For the first time, Sigma can now capture and analyse customer feedback in real-time through the Qualtrics platform, which can be extracted into actionable insights.
"We can measure back whether it worked or didn't work, and what was the impact on the experience, what is the impact on the volume, the order frequency … it allows you to smash so much information into an easy-to-read dashboard … to either make decisions on what you do next, or explain or defend up and down the management line on why you're doing something and not something else," he said
Travelers who book vacations at de Jong Intra Vakanties do so by either going to their physical travel agencies or by visiting the website. Booking a vacation online is not always an easy decision. The customer journey is complex and customers often use multiple devices and a lot of time to think things over before a trip is actually booked. De Jong Intra Vakanties wants to gain a better insight in the customer experience through feedback so that the customer journey can be optimised.
The rumors are true. The newest version of Mopinion’s software, known as Mopinion Raspberry, is set to go live in January 2020. With rigorous testing and refinement processes in full swing, we’d like to take these next few months to slowly introduce you to Mopinion Raspberry. In this five-part series, we will ‘unmask’ various new components of the software one by one; components that are guaranteed to give you a smooth and lucid user experience.
We’re delighted to share that German solar energy equipment supplier K2 Systems recently rolled out Mopinion feedback within their very own future-oriented planning software K2 Base. With their online software ‘K2 Base’, K2 Systems provides a powerful tool that helps plan the foundation of a PV installation, the mounting system. This software is a continuously updated and platform-independent online software. In the future, K2 Systems hopes to gather much more feedback about the usability of their software and leverage that feedback to ‘change the user journey to a user delight’.
Curious what the best practices are for gathering real time feedback from your online visitors? Perhaps you’re doing this already but struggle to manage the data and pick out important trends? If so, tune in to our upcoming webinar hosted by digital feedback specialist, Luke Price. In this webinar, we will focus on how financial institutions can gather and get the most out of their online customer feedback data.
Stedin is a regional Dutch network operator that mainly operates in the Netherlands’ Randstad region, which consists of Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht. As one of the top three largest operators in the Netherlands, Stedin is responsible for the transport of electricity and gas to more than 2 million customers (including industrial customers).
Eager to gain better insights into how their website was performing and how they could improve the online experience (on a deeper level) Stedin employed Mopinion as its digital feedback solution.
Mopinion is dedicated to providing its customers with the best possible feedback analytics software on the market. In order to maintain this status, our team strives to make constant and valuable improvements to our platform. We do this using the feedback provided directly by our customers. That being said, we’ve got plenty of product updates to share with you this month! We have several new security updates including SCA-compliant payments in Stripe and a new feature that enables users to anonymise their own feedback data. We also want to give you a sneak peek into our new user interface which is set to go live in January 2020!
There are a variety of different ways to collect customer feedback, and surveys are usually the first method that comes to mind.
But that's not the only way to figure out what your customers are saying about your product -- in fact, you could be missing out on valuable customer feedback coming in through a different channel: social media.
Recently, when I was checking what’s new on Linkedin, I came across an interesting post. One of the Customer Service Champions members asked a question:
Why are Customer Support and Customer Service not important to early-stage startups?
She described a chat she had with a founder of a startup about starting a job with them. When she mentioned company’s bad reviews on social media, the founder responded that they were too busy to focus on such an insignificant problem.
Whoa, I said to myself.
An angry customer is a business nightmare, right?
An angry customer is a business opportunity.
If you handle your complaints process right, you can transform an angry customer into a brand advocate and a high-value return customer. Marketing professors Michael McCullough and Sundar Bharadwaj talk about something they call the service recovery paradox, which they define as:
The result of a very positive service recovery, causing a level of customer satisfaction and/or customer loyalty even greater than that expected if no service failure had happened.
Your customers come to you to get their problems solved, and a customer with a complaint is handing you a golden opportunity to show how you excel at that.
Here’s how to make that happen.