Global chief of customer experience intelligence platform says the era of relationships requires brands to drive CX insights and practices across their companies
Customers are changing far faster today than organizations are. Customers are setting the agenda. Their expectations are rising in direct proportion to their declining trust in and loyalty to organizations and brands.
Obtaining feedback isn’t only for B2C companies, but B2B companies as well. Whether you’re offering a product, a service, or even both, knowing how your customers feel will allow you to course-correct problem areas and gain an understanding of where you’re struggling and succeeding.
Having customers who are willing to give feedback about your product or service is a potential gold mine for your company and its growth. The important part is knowing when to listen to the customers and when and how to use their feedback to help your company become better. There are many different ways to accomplish this, and each one has a benefit. The input that you may need might depend on your company's current stage. It also could depend on the tools that you have to collect that information.
Customer-feedback surveys are everywhere: at the bottom of cash-register receipts, at the end of phone calls with customer-service reps, and clogging the email inbox. Recently, I saw an electronic touch screen in an airport bathroom, soliciting my impression of cleanliness.
There’s a company X that collects customer feedback. Company X prefers the Net Promoter Score® (check outthis guide on Net Promoter Score to find how you can use it for your company), yet it could be any other metric. They ask the very familiar NPS question: “How likely is it that you would recommend brand » to a friend or colleague? (on a scale from 0 to 10)” after each customer purchase or interaction. But guess what? The company X doesn’t ask why the customers are giving the score. A number, a score is all what they track.
Do you have a handle on your customer experience? Here are four questions that will help you evaluate your CX quality.
The greatest invention since the wheel has got to be the internet. With the internet, we are given unprecedented access to so much information. Not only that, but we are also able to share information with people who we would never even personally meet.
Savvy marketers have always known that ‘the money is in the list.’ Effective email marketing techniques change rapidly and it is important to keep up with the latest trends. Here we take a look at five of the most important new ideas.
Customer feedback is important for any business that wants to better themselves. We can collect feedback on virtually any aspect of our business—our customer support, our website’s usability, the effectiveness of email campaigns, you name it.