Good business owners will be inspired to take action when they receive complaints or any kind of critical feedback about their products or services.
Our deeply ingrained ideas about good customer service compel us to believe that, when a customer says something is wrong, we need to fix it. We want to abide by that often-debated adage, “The customer is always right.”
However, while customers should always feel like they are right, you can’t let every customer’s whim dictate how your business operates.
The use of metrics is a practice businesses apply to nearly all aspects of their organisation. Whether that’s finance, competition, customer requirements, expectations, employee performance, or marketing, metrics matter. Metrics reflect and support the strategies of these business areas, giving us leverage to improve in any way we can. So why would this be any different when collecting online customer feedback? And while we’re on the subject, what is a customer feedback metric?
Struggling to grow your e-commerce business? It’s time to dig deep into data. It’s impossible to improve your sales strategy without analyzing and measuring your site’s performance in key areas.
This involves creating realistic KPIs (key performance indicators) for your store and constantly monitoring and improving your growth strategy by rigorously evaluating and applying insights from the data you gather.
Not sure where to start? Plenty of tools are out there—some built into e-commerce platforms, others provided by third-parties such as Google Analytics—to help you gather and analyze data with ease.
Traditionally, executives have used standard metrics, such as cash flow, inventory turns and operating income, to get a broad sense of the health of their firm. However, the game has changed with the rise of digital business models centered on the user. New metrics need to be devised based on the core user actions that drive value creation in such models.