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  1. Unfortunately there are many instances in which online customer feedback “falls on deaf ears”. Just a mere 46% of consumers feel that their feedback is being used in a constructive way. And what’s interesting is almost 83% of consumers say they would be more loyal to a brand if they knew that brand would act on their feedback and make improvements.
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  2. This white paper, titled, “Improving travel websites and apps with user feedback” investigates the benefits of incorporating user feedback into the digital strategy of travel businesses, using various case studies, practical tips and more.
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  3. As part of its online vision, TUI focuses on maintaining an enjoyable and meaningful customer experience., in particular, is a channel that enables TUI customers to find the information that they’re looking for, get in touch with TUI representatives and ultimately book their next vacation. In other words, a very crucial and commonly used portal for bringing in and converting customers.
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  4. According to an online eDigitalResearch survey, nearly one third of consumers research holidays solely online. The need for travel agencies, tour guides and hotel concierges is dwindling as more and more DIY (Do-It-Yourself) travellers emerge; travellers who are well-acquainted with booking online and therefore, have high demands for good service.
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  5. Have you ever looked at your web statistics and found that your bounce rates are really high but your conversion rates are really low? You know that this isn’t a good sign, but you have no idea why it’s happening or how to fix it. So what now? In this blog, we will take a closer look at some of the best User Experience (UX) tools.
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  6. Travix wants to elevate its focus on ‘Customer First’ to an even higher level. To do this, they will be taking a few big steps in 2017 in regards to measuring customer satisfaction..
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  7. Interested in collaborating with a software partner that puts the online Voice of the Customer at the heart of every organisation? Well now you can. Mopinion has just launched its very own Mopinion Partner Programme and is now inviting partners to join.
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  8. When working on websites and designing them with your team, there can be so much back and forth in emails and messages. It’s awfully difficult to keep up with long email chains that stretch out all over your inbox. Lots of team members means lots of email threads to keep up with. What to do?
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  9. Mopinion is proud to announce that capturing visual feedback is now part of its service offering within the Mopinion Feedback Analytics software. This type of feedback allows our users to take an even closer look at how visitors experience their websites and mobile apps. So how does it work?
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  10. The way businesses approach customer experience (CX) is shifting, along with driving a fundamental change in company culture. Leaders who are invested in improving customer experience have discovered that if they first focus on shaping company culture from the inside, everyone from the customers to the stakeholders benefit.
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Mopinion: The Leading Customer Feedback Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of Customer Feedback News. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Customer Feedback Tools in order to collect feedback from the customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Customer feedback results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.